Il descend du 241Pu par désintégration β-. Store Am-241 in a shielded container.
For example americium has been employed to gauge glass thickness to help create flat glass.
Americium 241 gamma energy. 241Am Americium Americium is a man made radioactive isotope and is commonly found in smoke detectors. The source is an alpha emitter and in the decay. Americium-241 Am-241 Half-life.
4322 years Alpha particle. The nucleus of a helium atom made up of two neutrons and two protons with a charge of 2. Certain radioactive nuclei emit alpha particles.
Alpha particles generally carry more energy than gamma or beta particles and deposit that energy very quickly while passing through tissue. For emergency assistance call 911 For EHS emergencies including after hours call 650 725-9999. Soft gamma emission from americium-241 is used to measure the thickness of metal sheets and metal coatings the degree of soil compaction sediment concentration in streams and to induce X-ray fluorescence in chemical analysis.
Americium-241 Part 1 Radioactive Material Identification Common Names. Am-241 or 241Am Atomic Number. 241146 neutrons Chemical Form.
Americium oxide Physical Form. Americium oxide incorporated in a ceramic cylinder. Part 2 Radiation Characteristics.
To Download the Gamma Spectrum data select from the alphabetical list below. View Complete Catalog in Browser 538 pages get Acrobat. All energies are given in keV.
Normally there are energies listed with an intensity 1. Unshielded Am-241 should be used in a well ventilated fume hood or a glove box. Shielding should be used to minimize exposure from Am-241.
Store Am-241 in a shielded container. Remote handling tools should be used when handling Am-241. Practice procedures without radioactivity prior to performing the procedure with Am-241.
Lamericium 241 se desintegre a 100 par emission alpha vers le neptunium 237. Le branchement principal 846 se fait vers le niveau excite de 59 keV. L américium 241 noté 241Am est l isotope de laméricium dont le nombre de masse est égal à 241.
Son noyau atomique compte 95 protons et 146 neutrons avec un spin 52- pour une masse atomique de 2410568291 g mol. Il est caractérisé par un excès de masse de 52 930 224 1 957 eV c 2 et une énergie de liaison nucléaire de 1 817 935 000 1 984 eV. A common type is ionization smoke detector which contains a small amount of americium-241 as an oxide.
Americium-241 emits alpha particles and low energy gamma rays. The alpha particles emitted by the Am-241 collide with the oxygen and nitrogen in air within the detectors ionization chamber to produce charged particles ions. For example americium has been employed to gauge glass thickness to help create flat glass.
Americium-241 is also suitable for calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers in the low-energy range since its spectrum consists of nearly a single gamma peak. Americium-241 is also used as the ionization source in commercial smoke detectors. Laméricium 241 est le plus connu des 13 principaux isotopes artificiels de laméricium.
Il descend du 241Pu par désintégration β-. P Période radioactive 432 ans Activité massique 127 x 1011 Bqg-1 Émissions principales par désintégration rendement démission D E 5 486 keV 85. Americium-241Beryllium Part 1 Radioactive Material Identification Common Names.
Am-241Be or 241AmBe Atomic Number. 241146 neutrons Chemical Form. Americium oxide with beryllium metal Physical Form.
Compacted mixture of americium oxide with beryllium metal.